The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) has been a force in transforming the field of corporate governance — from promoting more diverse and inclusive boardrooms to driving environmental, social, and governance standards. To better serve their 22,000+ member community, NACD needed to evolve and promote their brand. The logo icon represents a series of doorways to opportunities and directors striving toward something bigger, so we leveraged that story for the brand launch campaign with a doorway opening to reveal the new logo.
Digital Display Ads
Collateral (print + digital)
Brand Strategy
Creative Direction: Self
Art Direction: Self + Cecile Jordan
Brand Strategy: Stuart Granger
Copywriting: Stuart Granger + Amanda McCarthy
Design: Self + Cecile Jordan + Michael Medlin + Kaylee Smith
Directors are frequently faced with the need to make swift and well-informed decisions about their boards' strategic direction. NACD sought a campaign to address this challenge by positioning itself as the go-to resource for empowering directors to confidently lead their boards into the future.
Showcase a dynamic, ever-evolving physical environment as a metaphor for the complex and unpredictable business environment NACD helps its members navigate. This approach highlights the necessity for directors to examine challenges from every angle and fulfill their goal of seeing around every corner of the corporate governance landscape to anticipate potential issues, helping them shape the future of their boards.
Digital Display Ads
Print Ad
Creative Direction: Self
Art Direction: Self + Cecile Jordan
Copywriting: Stuart Granger + Amanda McCarthy
Design: Self + Tenzin Semple + Michael Medlin